The Puzznic Story
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Puzznic is following Sokoban's success!
The cult game of the old C'64 and Amiga days is back. Puzztrix, as it is called now, runs under Windows, and is based on the same ingenious principles of its role model Puzznic:
Eliminate all game objects from the screen! Whenever two or more similar objects are adjacent, they are "evaporating".
Sounds easy?
But beware, often the situation is so tricky, that the game objects just do not want to come together or you end up with just a single element of a certain type left.
Usually it just cannot be done without a solution strategy! Puzztrix is a game for brains, after all.
What qualifies PUZZTRIX as a Sokoban follow up?
- Puzznics simple game rules: Easy to learn but hard to master!
- High quality 3D graphics
- Selected problems created by puzzle-experts
- Easy to handle: All important options can be reached with a single mouse click. Additionally, there are keyboard shortcuts in case you are using a notebook and do not have access to a mouse or you just prefer the keyboard.
- Solutions to each level are saved as Movies. Later on, you can watch your solution like you would watch a small movie.
- Every step can be taken back using the Undo function.
- The game speed can be increased and decreased.
- Switch back and forth between windowed mode and fullscreen mode.
- Freely choose which level to play. You do not have to solve them one after another anymore. Still, the program records, which levels you have already solved.
- Whenever you improve one of the given solutions (movies) your new solution is recorded.
PUZZTRIX - Shareware
New Levels!!!
PUZZTRIX - online
Puzztrix © 2006 by Jan Reineke
Puzznic © Taito 2003 - All Rights Reserved.